"Akhri Chattan" by Naseem Hijazi is a historical novel set in the backdrop of the Muslim conquests in the Indian subcontinent during the 11th century. The story revolves around the...
Coercion, Capital, and European States, A.D. 990 - 1992 by Charles Tilly provides a compelling analysis of the historical development of European states through the interplay of coercion and capital....
Europe Ka Urooj by Mubarak Ali delves into the historical ascent of Europe through a critical lens, exploring key factors that propelled its rise to global prominence. Key Points: 1....
In "History of the Modern World 1500-2013," B V Rao delves into the intricate tapestry of global history, spanning from the dawn of the Renaissance to the complexities of the...
In "Interpretations of Jihad in South Asia: An Intellectual History," Tariq Rahman meticulously examines the multifaceted and evolving discourse surrounding the concept of jihad within the context of South Asia....
"The Ultimate Art of War" presents a comprehensive and accessible exploration of Sun Tzu's timeless teachings on strategy and warfare, brought to life through Antony Cummins' insightful analysis and step-by-step...
"Warlike and Peaceful Societies" by Agner Fog delves into the intricate dynamics of human societies, exploring the factors that contribute to their propensity for conflict or peace. Through meticulous research...
World History: The Basics by Peter N. Stearns is an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the key concepts, events, and themes of world history. This book provides a clear and...